How Much Should I Exercise?

How Much Should I Exercise?

Katy Nishida
Katy Nishida
May 31, 2024

How much should I exercise?

Regular exercise provides a myriad of health benefits, including extending your life, reducing your risk for developing chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease, and improving your mood. It can be confusing to figure out how much you should be moving and how to get started. Here are some helpful guidelines.

How much should I exercise each week?

Both aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises are important because each provides unique health benefits.

According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHC), adults should be getting at least 150-300 minutes (2.5-5 hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (i.e. fast walking, tennis) or 75-150 minutes (1.25-2.5 hours) of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (i.e.jogging, carrying heavy load upstairs, strenuous fitness class) per week. Moderate activity should feel like a 5-7 out of 10 on a perceived exertion scale and vigorous activity should feel like a 8-10 out of 10. Aerobic activity increases blood flow, regulates blood sugar and reduces inflammation, helping to stave off weight gain and chronic diseases.

In addition to aerobic activity, HHC recommends that adults engage in muscle-strengthening activities (i.e. weight training) of moderate to high intensity at least twice per week. We lose 3-8% of our muscle mass per decade after the age of 30, putting us at increased risk of injury and osteoporosis. Resistance training helps maintain that muscle mass and strengthens bones.

What are the health benefits of exercise?

 Regular exercise doesn’t just support weight loss, extend longevity, and lower your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. It also...

· Boosts your immune system – Exercise increases blood flow and improves the body’s ability to fight off bugs and viruses.

· Improves brain health – Exercise improves blood flow to the brain and stimulates neuroplasticity, the ability of your neurons to grow and connect. It improves memory and cognitive function and reduces your risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease.

·  Improves mood – Studies show that regular exercise reduces the risk for developing depression, even for those who are genetically predisposed.

· Prevents injuries – Exercise, particularly resistance training, strengthens muscles, tendons, and bones, creating a stronger frame. It also improves range of motion and joint mobility and strengthens the core, reducing your risk of tweaking your back, twisting an ankle, or developing frozen shoulder.

· Supports better sleep – Exercise improves both sleep quality and duration. It is particularly helpful for people suffering from insomnia as related to a chronic condition, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, and rheumatoid arthritis.

How do I get started?

Although the exercise guidelines may feel daunting, there are many ways to increase your activity level. Myers Group Wellness has provided several helpful resources to support your fitness journey:  

First, we have invested in a highly intelligent fitness app called Fitbod that can create free custom workouts for you based on your experience level and available equipment. Click here to get started.

You can use Fitbod at home but it works particularly well at the gym because it designs exercises around all the fun machines gyms have to offer. To find a gym near your store that offers an exclusive Myers Group discounted membership, click here.Most gyms offer many fitness classes that provide a great workout for beginners.

If you are not a fan of gyms, we have also partnered with AloMoves to provide an exclusive 14-day free trial and 50% discount off their subscription that will give you access to over 3,000 fitness classes.

We also recommend the following tips to exercise more:

· Make small changes to your daily activity. Take the stairs instead of an elevator, walk after dinner or take the dog for a longer walk, clean the house more often, plant a garden. A few minutes of exercise here and there adds up! 

· Recruit an exercise buddy to go on walks with or join the gym with you. Accountability makes a huge difference in keeping you consistent.

· Join or start an activity group. Consider starting a hiking or walking group at work or check out to find like minded individuals who are doing a fun activity like pickle ball, tennis, softball, or hiking.

If you’re still not sure where to start, email me at and we can brainstorm together. Summer is the perfect time to start exercising!


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